Okeechobee White Collar Crime Defense Lawyer

The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. provides thorough and aggressive defense for those who have been charged with white-collar crimes in Okeechobee and the surrounding areas. White-collar crime is the general term that is applied to any number of offenses committed by “highly-respected” individuals, usually through their employment or occupation. While many believe that white collar crimes are rarely prosecuted and come with very mild sentences when convicted, that is simply not true. A white-collar conviction can either be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances, and in either case, may include life-altering prison sentences and other penalties.

The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. can help you fight these charges and protect your livelihood and standing in the community. David Golden has more than 20 years of experience working on behalf of those charged with white collar crimes, and he’s had numerous major case victories for his clients in that time. If you or someone you know is facing a white collar crime charge in Okeechobee, your best chance for a positive judgment is to work with the best criminal defense lawyer in the area. Contact The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. now at 863-220-4400, so we can get to work on your free case review.

Why You Should Entrust Your Case to Us

To ensure that you receive the best defense for your white collar criminal charge, you need a defense attorney who understands the financial as well as the legal aspect of your case. A broad understanding of the circumstances of your case should also be matched with extensive experience in the field.

With David Golden of The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A., you’ll get a defense lawyer who has decades of experience working with extremely complex white-collar crime cases. He has taken even the most complex cases and developed a defense that the jury can understand and sympathize with. He’s also well known for his aggressive legal tactics against the prosecution, and his ability to negotiate the best outcomes for his clients.

Your case may come down to how well your lawyer understands the charges against you, and how well they can represent you in the courtroom and in negotiations with the prosecution. To make sure you get the best defense possible, trust a lawyer with more than twenty years of experience in the field of white-collar crime.

White Collar Crime Charges We’ll Fight for You

A white collar crime is one that involves a financial element but lacks any violence. That includes a large number of charges in the Florida criminal code. At The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A., we can help you fight all of the following white collar crime charges:

  • Embezzlement
  • Credit card fraud
  • Government fraud
  • Account fraud
  • Conspiracy to commit fraud
  • Extortion
  • Kickbacks

If you have been accused of or charged with any of these crimes, or any other white collar crime, The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. can protect your rights. In the United States, you are considered innocent until proven guilty, and we can ensure that the judge and jury respect that fundamental right.

Give Yourself the Best Chance to Beat Your White Collar Crime Charges

If you or someone you know has been charged with a white collar crime in Okeechobee, Taylor Creek, Fort Drum, or other areas of Okeechobee County, The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. can provide the experience, skill, and legal understanding you need to successfully fight those charges. Contact us now at 863-220-4400.


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