Okeechobee Internet Crimes Defense Attorney

If you or someone you know has been charged with an internet crime in Okeechobee, Taylor Creek, Fort Drum, or other areas of Okeechobee County, you should immediately contact The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. to make sure you have an experienced criminal defense attorney fighting for you. Internet crimes can include a variety of charges, everything from credit card fraud to the distribution of viruses and online gambling, but they are all becoming an increasing priority for prosecutors in the digital age. That increased priority means prosecution is more common and the penalties are becoming more severe.

To avoid having your life derailed by an internet crimes conviction, you will need the legal assistance of the skilled and experienced David Golden of The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. Mr. Golden has proven in case after case that he can help beat the internet crimes charges brought against his clients. In his more than 20 years as a criminal lawyer, Mr. Golden has helped countless clients by taking the fight to prosecutors, contesting evidence, challenging claims, and negotiating fiercely for the best possible outcome.

When you or anyone you know in the Okeechobee area is charged with an internet crime, fight back to protect your freedom and your future. Contact The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. now at 863-220-4400 so we can start organizing your defense in a free case review.

How The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. Can Help

Internet crimes as a term encompass a wide range of charges, from fraud to hacking to sex crimes and beyond. To defend against internet crime charges, you have to understand not just the law surrounding that particular crime, but also the laws that govern the internet. Trying to defend yourself, or leaving your defense to an overworked public defender could lead to a conviction and the resulting penalties.

With The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A., you’ll get a defense lawyer who has more than 20 years of experience fighting for clients against internet crime charges. Our attorneys understand the specific cybercrime laws in Florida and how to develop a convincing case on our clients’ behalf. Lawmakers in Florida have imposed strict penalties for cybercrimes in the state, but keep in mind that the burden of proof lies with the prosecution. They are the ones who must show that you acted intentionally, knowingly, and without permission, otherwise, you may be found not guilty of the internet crime you’ve been accused of.

Cybercrime Charges in Florida

As mentioned above, internet crimes cover a large number of potential charges, all of which are very serious. An internet crime simply refers to any crime that involves the internet. The specifics of your charges will affect the potential penalties you face as well as the legal strategies required to fight those charges. The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. has experience contesting a wide variety of internet crime charges, including:

  • Identity Theft: Using another’s personal identity, or fabricating a personal identity for the purposes of financial gain, harassment, or other reasons.
  • Fraud: This broad category can refer to any action that misrepresents information in an effort to gain financially from others.
  • Credit Card Fraud: The illicit use of another’s credit card information can be a misdemeanor or felony internet crime, depending on the amount stolen.
  • Pyramid Schemes: Pyramid schemes involve compelling ever more people to join an organization with the promises of financial gain for drawing in others.
  • Work from Home Schemes: Falsely presenting a work-from-home position with benefits that are not met is a crime in Florida.
  • Phishing: Using email or other means of communication online to deceive individuals into giving away personal information can lead to very serious penalties in Florida.
  • Hacking: Hacking is the illegal accessing of another’s computer or electronic device through programs, weaknesses in a network, or other covert means.
  • Virus and other Malware Distribution: Using the internet for the purposes of distributing viruses or any other kind of malware that negatively affects the electronic devices of others is a crime.
  • Kidnapping: Kidnapping is a serious crime regardless of its context, but when it involves an online component, as is common with human trafficking, another degree of severity may be introduced.
  • Child Pornography: The use of the internet to find, purchase, distribute, or otherwise access and spread child pornography is a very serious crime, and it comes with penalties related to both internet crimes and sex crimes.
  • Online Sex Crimes: Any sex crime that includes an online component counts as an internet crime as well as a sex crime.
  • Gambling: Some instances of online gambling are illegal in Florida and can be prosecuted.

The penalties you face will vary depending on which internet crime you are accused of. Some may be simple misdemeanors, while others count as felonies, with decades in prison and thousands of dollars in fines as possibilities. In addition, you will be saddled with a permanent criminal record that will follow you for the rest of your life. This will make it more difficult to find a job and a place to live, and can also damage your relationships and your reputation. It could even affect child custody proceedings and your ability to travel.

To defend yourself against any of the above charges, you’ll need a lawyer with the experience and the tenacity to fight on your behalf. With The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A., you’ll get a lawyer that understands you, your case, and how to organize your defense to achieve the best results.

Retain the Skills and Experience of The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. Now

If you or someone you know is facing an internet crime charge in Okeechobee, call The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. for qualified, experienced representation. We are available 24/7 to answer your call and schedule a free consultation to discuss your rights and begin building your defense. You don’t have to accept the charges against you, and we’re ready to stand up and fight for you.


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